Healthy Eating Tips for National Fitness Day 2024

National Fitness Day 2024 has just come around again this year, as it does on the last Wednesday of every September. Health and fitness are vital for all of us, and when you are living away at university, away from the safety net of family life and your upbringing for the first time in some cases, it is more important than ever before to put a plan in place so that you can stay fit and healthy.

We’ve helped you with a summer of self-care in the past to get your body and mind right for a new academic year, but let’s now take a look at some exciting healthy eating tips that will stand you in good stead for life.

A group of people working out on stairs

What is National Fitness Day 2024?

National Fitness Day 2024 is on Wednesday 25th September and it is a day where the importance of physical activity and healthy eating is encouraged.

The day is held annually across the UK, and this year the theme is ‘Find Your Fit’, where every person can find the perfect type of activity to boost their fitness.

You don’t have to go join a competitive sports team, run a marathon, or do anything wild to stay fit, it’s about finding what works for you. This can be for those with no experience at all and just starting out on a fitness journey or those veterans who are looking for something new.
There are thousands of gyms and classes for all levels of experience, leisure centres, swimming pools, countryside hiking trails, sports clubs and teams, Park Run in towns and cities every weekend, and free-to-attend activities and locations across the country. There really is something for every person, whether it’s your first time or your thousandth.

A group of people doing yoga

The importance of good nutrition for physical fitness

Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. Whether you are going for a daily walk for an hour, doing yoga once a week, or playing in a hectic, intense team sport, you’ll need to find the right balance of diet and exercise to make the most of your physical fitness.

What you eat before and after physical activity is vital, and if you are looking for optimal performance in a sport it becomes an even greater tool for you to use.

Girl eating healthy

Tips for eating with physical performance in mind

Every person is unique when it comes to the nutrition they require to perform at their best. It depends on the person and the type of activity that you are taking part in, but there are a few things that concern us all when it comes to the balance and timing of macronutrients.

Carbohydrates give us energy, protein helps with muscle, bones, joint and ligament recovery and for building muscle, whilst fat helps to increase absorption of key vitamins.

These are a few things that you should consider eating to find optimal physical performance:

Dark and leafy greens

Dark green leaves and vegetables are packed with vitamin C, fibre, iron and other important nutrients. Spinach and kale are just two great examples of veggies that can help with muscle function and improve blood flow.

Spinach salad


Rich in B vitamins, iron, antioxidants, and high-quality protein, there are few things better than eggs as part of a balanced diet.

They help with muscle recovery and repair and help with heart health due to the fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. Scrambled, fried or poached, eggs are incredibly versatile as an ingredient too!

Eggs on toast


Whether in a smoothie, with Greek yoghurt for breakfast, or as a snack, berries have antioxidant properties that help with fatigue, muscle damage and reduce inflammation.

Fruit Salad

Sweet potato

Full of vitamins A and C, potassium and fibre, sweet potatoes are complex carbohydrates that are a go-to for athletes, helping to reduce muscle cramps and fatigue. Switching out regular fries with sweet potato fries is a simple way to get more sweet potato in your life, as is a baked sweet potato.

Sweet Potato dish


This works wonders as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and can be easily incorporated into a diet by sprinkling on roasted vegetables, incorporating into a curry or as a supplement.

Turmeric milk

Everyday healthy eating tips for students

Fitness isn’t all about top athletic performance, so we’ve also put together some everyday tips to eat well and stay healthy as a student.

Don’t be afraid of frozen food

Frozen fruit and veg can often be great as the nutrients are packed in and fresh when frozen, so don’t be afraid to buy frozen berries for your morning yoghurt for instance. Frozen vegetables that can be heated up quickly in a pan provide great nutrients to accompany many meals.

Frozen berries

Always stay hydrated

Hydration is everything, but it is so often overlooked. We should be drinking plenty of water every day no matter what we are doing. So, one tip that we can give is to always have a bottle of water with you as you walk around campus and go about your day.

To begin with, try to just add one extra glass of water to what you would usually drink, add fresh fruit to your water if you like it to have a taste and look to fill your bottle up for free wherever you can.

Girl drinking water

Source local and in-season products

Go to local butchers and greengrocers, go to local food markets, Asian supermarkets and other local sellers where you might find a whole range of different products and food that is in season.

This opens up your culinary world in a way that wouldn’t be possible if you only bought from the big chain supermarkets.

Girl shopping at a local fruit market

Bulking out with beans

Beans and pulses are high in iron and fibre and offer an easy way for you to bulk out many different types of meals. Pack in more vegetables, chickpeas and lentils to curries and stews and your meals will go further and provide you with more nutrients.

A dish with beans

Getting into good healthy eating habits and looking after your fitness shouldn’t just be about National Fitness Day 2024 and the few days around it. Instead, think carefully about the habits that you build, as both positive and negative eating habits can impact you for years to come.

These student years could provide you with a good base, and with incentives and events throughout the year to keep you interested, such as Veganuary, there are always new ideas and tips to keep you going.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t have fun and have a takeaway from time to time, just that it’s good to learn about a mixed and balanced diet and to eat in moderation. We hope this guide has given you some good tips to take away and implement into your own lives this year and for many more.

If you are looking for accommodation for the next year, then you are in the right place. Visit our Urban Student Life website and browse through a range of properties all across the UK.  We are sure you will find something that caters to all your needs!

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