The Top Studying Apps You Need To Download In 2024

In this digital age, there’s apps for everything whether it’s apps to help you sleep, to monitor your diet, to track your menstrual cycle, to navigate your way around a place, or even, to help you study. 

No matter if you’re just beginning your academic journey or you’re heading into your second or third year, this blog post will be your go-to guide of the top studying apps that you need to download in 2024.

From help with note-taking to productivity boosters to exam preparation tips to collaborative platforms, these apps are sure to aid your university life and study techniques for the better. 

With the academic year soon commencing, it’s time to get your smartphones ready and take your learning to a whole new level with our list of apps! 

studying apps

1. My Study Life 

Searching for the top studying apps? My Study Life is an all-in-one app that helps university students to organise their schedules, tasks and exams. 

Using this academic planner, you can easily create and manage timetables, set reminders for important deadlines, and even receive notifications for upcoming lectures and seminars. 

The best part? My Study Life can be used on a phone or computer, so you can use it anywhere on any device and it will sync through! 

This brilliant app is designed to make university life easier to manage and is used by billions of students worldwide. 

My Study Life is available to download for iOS and Android devices. 

my study life

2. StudySmarter 

Just like the name suggests, this next app helps you to study smarter, not harder. 

StudySmarter is an award winning app which uses AI to create personalised study plans, flashcards, and quizzes tailored to your individual learning style.

For the ultimate learning experience, you can access and share your own study materials along with textbooks and lessons from leading publishers. 

Download it for free today on either the App Store or Google Play. 

study smarter app

3. SimpleMind 

When it comes to educational platforms, SimpleMind is definitely worth downloading. 

Mind mapping is a great technique for visual thinkers and this app takes it to the next level, allowing you to create mind maps to organise ideas, concepts and notes. 

Whether you’re brainstorming for an assignment or preparing lecture summaries, this app is sure to enhance your creativity and boost your learning!

If you love to organise your thoughts visually, this mind mapping tool is super easy to use and is available for iOS and Android devices. 


4. Clockify

As a university student, you often have to juggle multiple assignments at once, so effective time management is key. 

With the Clockify time tracking app, you can record and analyse how you spend your time by adding the amount of hours you spend on specific tasks. 

If you’re working on group projects with other students, you can invite them to a team on the app so you can see who’s working on what with a visual time breakdown. 

This way you’re able to maximise your productivity, identify any time sinks as well as ensure you’re keeping a healthy study-life balance! 

Best of all, the app is free which is perfect for those on a student budget.

Download now for iOS or Android devices. 

clockify studying apps

5. Exam Countdown

Once exam season approaches, it’s no doubt that your stress levels will rise. 

If you’re after the ultimate exam preparation, you can use Exam Countdown to store all your key exam and assignment dates in one place. 

You’ll feel more motivated and focused when using this app, with a daily countdown which reminds you how many days it is until an exam is taking place. 

There’s over 400 different icons and 30 different colours to choose from, so you can personalise your exam countdown to suit you. 

Ready to download? Exam Countdown is available on the App Store or Google Play.

exam countdown app

6. Reference Generator 

Writing references and bibliographies for academic papers and essays can be a daunting task, but thankfully there’s studying apps out there you can use to help you. 

We’d recommend downloading Reference Generator, which enables you to generate citations instantly in various formats including APA, MLA and Harvard style. 

Just simply select the source of information and enter the details and you’ll be able to write references for your work with ease. 

Once your reference has been generated, you can then share it or copy and paste to your devices which is a winner. 

You won’t just save yourself some time and effort, using this handy tool will also ensure accuracy in your bibliography too. 

It’s available to download on Google Play

reference generator

7. Freedom 

This next app will be helpful for the procrastinators out there as it can help you to stay focused by blocking out any distractions on your devices. 

If you’re someone who’s easily distracted from your friend sending you a TikTok or someone liking your recent Instagram post, Freedom is the app for you. 

The way it works is, the app blocks distracting websites and apps for specified periods, allowing you to focus entirely on your studies. 

You can stay productive throughout the day, by simply selecting the apps and websites you want to block and starting a Freedom session. 

For those easily tempted, if you try to open a blocked app or website during the session, the app will prevent it from opening! 

You can get Freedom on the App Store or Google Play.

freedom app

8. Evernote 

When it comes to note-taking apps for students, Evernote takes the crown. 

You can use the app to capture your ideas, lecture notes and research, and even connect your Google Calendar to help you stay on top of your schedule. 

Another amazing feature of the app is that you can use it to take photos of your notes, whether they’re handwritten notes or on a whiteboard – how cool s that? 

There’s even the ability to sync across devices ensures your notes are accessible anytime, anywhere.

If you haven’t already got this app, you need to go to the App Store or Google Play store on your phone now and get it! 

evernote app

9. Trello 

Next up on our guide of the top studying apps to download is Trello. 

Got a presentation coming up? What about a group project? Or an assignment deadline? With Trello, collaboration and project management couldn’t be easier. 

You can use the apps customizable-yet-simple boards, lists, and cards to help you organise group projects, assignments, and tasks. 

If you’re working with other students, you can also use the app to track individual progress, assign responsibilities, and communicate effectively! 

It’s available to download on iOS and Android devices.

trello app

10. Habitica 

Are you keen to transform your studying? You need to download Habitica pronto. 

If you’re looking for a fun and effective way to stay on track of your goals and develop good habits whilst at university, this app will answer your prayers. 

The way this productivity app works is, you can customise your own characters, complete tasks to gain experience points and rewards, as well as team up with others. 

The app encourages you to make a habit out of studying and can help you stay motivated thanks to its reward system. 

Habitica can be fully enjoyed for free on iOS and Android devices, although there are in-app subscriptions. 


11. Pocket 

Are you guilty of constantly sending yourself links? Pocket is the app for you. 

This helpful app allows you to save the latest stories, articles, news, sports, videos and webpages to read later, regardless of the device, publisher or app. 

It’s a great resource for research and academic reading as you can save any content to your own personal Pocket library to refer back to later. 

The app’s listen feature enables you to turn any news story, article or blog post into a learning experience so that you can listen on the go, or just sit and relax whilst taking it all in. 

Download for yourself on the App Store or Google Play and see what other amazing features you can make the most of. 

pocket app

12. Google Drive 

Google Drive is another fantastic app for students to have in their digital toolkit. 

The app keeps all of your important documents, class notes, assignments, presentations and essays safe and accessible anywhere, anytime. 

Say goodbye to losing any of your files, as the cloud storage service backs up all your documents and you can find them faster with its intelligent search feature. 

Another great part about the app is that you can collaborate with your coursemates by sharing files and working together in real-time. 

Go ahead and download it now for iOS or Android, it really is a game-changer for any university student! 

google drive app

University life is exciting but it’s not without its challenges either, thankfully there’s so many studying apps out there that can help you to stay organised and focused on the tasks at hand. 

Don’t forget to download these 12 apps before the next academic year begins, we hope they prove useful!

If you liked this post, then you’ll love reading our blog on The Ups And Downs Of Living With Friends At Uni.