Common Student Accommodation Issues & How You Can Resolve Them

Living away from home for the first time can be an exciting but challenging experience for many students. Whether you’re staying in university halls or renting private accommodation, there are often unexpected issues that arise. From noisy neighbours and maintenance problems to disputes with housemates, student accommodation comes with its own set of common challenges. However, these issues don’t have to overwhelm you.

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most frequent student accommodation problems and offer practical solutions to help you resolve them effectively. With the right approach and preparation, you can make your living situation more comfortable and stress-free, allowing you to focus on your studies and enjoy university life.

Group of students in a room

Maintenance and Repairs

A common problem you are likely to come across in student accommodation is maintenance issues where either your light isn’t working or the water supply is low among others.

There are many ways you can resolve this issue depending on what kind of student accommodation you live in.

Most places will either have a website or an app where you can log in to issues and they will resolve it as soon as they can. If you are living in an independent house then you might have to contact the landlord directly and report this issue to them.

The time it will take to resolve this issue depends on the magnitude of it but it shouldn’t take too long regardless.

Person turning on a shower

Noisy Neighbours

This is amongst the most common student accommodation issues where you might have to deal with neighbours who are noisy, especially during the nighttime.

The best way to resolve this is by politely talking to the residents of the neighbouring apartment/house and requesting them to reduce the noise. But if this issue persists, then you can reach out to the management team and request them to deal with this matter.

Girl holding two pillows near her ear

Cleanliness Within Common Areas

If you are living with a bunch of people, you will be surprised by how easy it is to come across issues with the lack of cleanliness in the shared spaces. This can be unwashed dishes and improper garbage disposal amongst many others.

A good way to deal with this is by creating a cleaning rota ahead of time so that each person knows when it is their chance to clean.

In case an issue persists, you can also choose to have house meetings with all the residents present, so you can identify what is causing it and how you can fix this.

A person cleaning the carpet

Pests or Mould

Although this might not be too common, it is still one of the student accommodation issues that needs immediate attention.

If you notice any pests or mould building up in your room or the common spaces, then be sure to immediately contact the landlord or the block management. These issues can cause a threat to your health and hence will need to be addressed promptly.

Be sure to not leave any waste open and reduce moisture in closed spaces in the meantime to avoid any further issues.

Person inspecting mould in the wall

Lack of Privacy

If you are living in a student accommodation with a lot of people, then you will likely come across this issue.

People love to have their friends around in their house and while nothing is wrong with that, it might lead to an issue of the people who are living there feeling uncomfortable, due to the lack of space in the common area.

In such a scenario, you need to discuss with all your housemates when they can bring people over and how many people are too many.

You can even discuss to see when each of you has people over so that the house isn’t overcrowded with guests.

3 people sitting and talking on a sofa

Roommate Conflict

There are a lot of different reasons why issues may arise between roommates especially since the university would be the first time a lot of students will be living by themselves.

Everyone’s routine is different and it can take time to accommodate other people’s routines and living habits.

The best way to go about such student accommodation issues is by politely discussing with the people involved. Try your best not to involve too many people and try to see where the other person is coming from. Be respectful of each other’s choices while still making sure to avoid causing any disturbance.

Two people resolving an issue

Struggling To Live Away From Home

Another issue that pretty much most students will face is the initial struggle to live away from home. When you are used to a certain lifestyle all your life, it can seem difficult to do it all by yourself.

But trust us when we tell you that you are not alone. Be sure to reach out to your friends and family regularly to keep in touch and reach out for help from the university resources if you need to.

Girl looking out the window

In conclusion, while student accommodation can present various challenges, most issues can be effectively managed with proactive communication. Whether it’s dealing with noisy neighbours, addressing maintenance delays, or handling disagreements with housemates, the key is to stay organised, address problems early, and seek help when needed.

Knowing who to contact and how to approach these situations can make a significant difference in your overall living experience. By resolving accommodation issues calmly and efficiently, you’ll create a more positive and comfortable environment, allowing you to focus on your studies and enjoy your university life to the fullest. Remember, support is available from university services and housing resources if needed.

If you are looking for accommodation for the next year, then you are in the right place. Visit our Urban Student Life website and browse through a range of properties all across the UK.  We are sure you will find something that caters to all your needs!

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