How To Enjoy Freshers Week To The Fullest

Freshers Week marks the beginning of university life, offering new students a chance to immerse themselves in campus activities and forge friendships. This blog is your go-to guide for navigating and enjoying this exciting week.

Discover tips on joining clubs, exploring campus facilities, and balancing social events with academic responsibilities. Whether you’re keen on partying or prefer quieter gatherings, Freshers Week is a great opportunity to create lasting memories and settle into university routines.

Embrace the energy of events created to welcome you to this new chapter of your academic journey!

A group of students having fun on freshers week

Prepare Ahead

The first step to ensuring that you can make the most out of freshers week is by planning ahead.

Freshers week have a range of exciting events that students can attend and many of them happen at the same time. So if you have any specific events in mind that you want to attend, then be sure to note down when it is happening and plan your day, so that it does not clash with anything else. 

You might feel like there’s so much to do and you can’t pick on what you want to do first and that is completely normal!

Try your best to see what sparks your interest the most and prioritise them first. If you happen to miss an event or two, don’t worry as universities have loads of other events throughout the year to allow you to meet new people.

Girl writing on a book

Attend Mixers 

If you are a student who is starting university for the first time, we cannot stress enough the importance of attending mixers and events hosted for students to get to know one another. 

While the entirety of freshers week is made for that purpose, there are events catered to different students, such as undergrad students, course-based events, or even societies and clubs, where you get the chance to meet people with similar interests. 

It can seem quite intimidating to make friends when you just started uni, but don’t you worry as such mixers and events are there to make this process so much easier for you!

Students laughing and talking

Dont Skip Taster Sessions 

As we discussed earlier, events hosted by cubs and societies are one of the best ways to get to know people with similar interests. At the same time, this is also the best chance for you to try out for different clubs and societies to see whether it is your cup of tea!

Universities have loads of options for you to choose from, including sports like tennis and swimming and creative clubs like art and music. 

So during freshers week, do not miss the opportunity to try out new and exciting activities like these! 

Students playing basketball

Attend Campus Orientation 

Do not forget to attend the orientation sessions for your programme amidst all the other fun things there is to attend.

It is important to familiarise yourself with the campus facilities as well as your course structure so that you can do your best academically.

Orientations typically include a tour of the buildings where your classes will be held, an introduction to the different professors, assessment criteria and resources that are there to help you during your academic journey!

Attending this could really ease you into this new step of your life, so do not miss it!

Students touring a university

Safety Tips

With freshers week having so many exciting events, it is easy to get carried away.

We highly recommend that you always stay safe and vigilant during all events, have a buddy system in place if you are leaving any place late and be cautious with drinks.

Your safety should always be your top priority, so always be mindful of your surroundings and who you are with!

Read this blog on The Student Guide to Staying Safe on a Night Out for some tips!


Students laughing


It is really important to not use up all of your student finance for the month on freshers week alone.

While it is an exciting time, you should still be wary of how you manage your finances. 

This is why it is good to create a budget before the month begins so that you can comfortably enjoy your freshers week without having to worry about your finances. 

There are a lot of apps that can help you with this. Read this blog on 5 Budgeting Apps That Every Student Should Have to help you get started. 

Man budgeting

Academic Preparation 

While nobody is thinking about classes during freshers week, you can consider slowly planning your routine around your classes during this period. 

If you have the time, you can also familiarise yourself with the modules and subjects that you will be studying to ease yourself into university life.

Student in a yellow shirt highlighting her notes

Health and Wellbeing 

With so many new people and a new environment altogether, it is not uncommon for students to feel overwhelmed during freshers week. 

While this new stage in your academic journey is really exciting, it can also be very scary. 

And it is completely normal for you not to meet your lifelong mates just within freshers’ week alone!

So remember to take care of your physical and mental health and constantly remind yourself that there is so much more to come and you are very capable of achieving everything that you have come for!

Girl sitting near a window

We hope that you found this blog on freshers week helpful. Make the most of your Freshers Week by embracing new experiences, meeting people, and getting involved in all the activities on offer. Remember, it’s a unique opportunity to explore your university, make lasting friendships, and create memories.

Stay open-minded, be proactive, and don’t forget to take care of yourself amidst the excitement. Here’s to a fantastic start to your university journey!

Follow us on Instagram @urbanstudentlife and let us know your tips to make the most out of freshers week.

If you are looking for accommodation for the next year, then you are in the right place. Visit our Urban Student Life website and browse through a range of properties all across the UK.  We are sure you will find something that caters to all your needs! 

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